Tuesday, May 31, 2005
"The time for soup has passed my friend." --Steve
Friday, May 27, 2005
"I'm hearing way too much about Andrew's bowels." -- Sprogway
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
"Let's compare them. Let's see whose is bigger." --Glenn
"Joe, this is my middle finger and you can look at it." --Steve
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
"Can't compete on the seat?" --Erich
Friday, May 20, 2005
"He's lucky he can lift his finger, the geriatric old fart." --Sal
"How much money is enough money to choke a horse?" --Sprogway
"Do you have a salami?" --Andrew
"I think I slept weird on my face." -- Doug
Thursday, May 19, 2005
"That's why I always end up throwing up on Staten Island." --Doug
"I didn't think it was possible, but you sounded creepier than Billy Idol." --Steve (to Sprogway)
"My right hand doesn't even like me anymore." --Sal
1) "58 days until the new Harry Potter." -- Joe
2) "I could give 58 shits." --Doug
"His hair looks kind of dark there. And he looks fat there. Maybe that's not the guy." --Doug
"He doesn't look that freaky to me." --Sprogway
"Up jump the morons." --Steve
"The bass player was kinda funny looking, so that was cool." --Doug
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
"If you like Splenda coladas." --Sprogway
"I wonder where Tex Antoine came from." -- Erich
"They're playing all these churches and shit, fuck you!" --Steve
"Aw, this is a Christian band, fuck that!" --Steve
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
"If I got a flow going, I'm okay." --Sal
"I got better reasons to pretend being a dog." --Steve
Monday, May 16, 2005
"I like Paul Anka, Paul Anka's a buddy of mine." --McCann
Friday, May 13, 2005
"Did you just scratch your head with a compass? --Doug
"Tony Orlando, he's the McCann Elvis -- the Mohegan Elvis." --Doug
"How about Vic Chesnut, the handicapped Elvis." --Sprogway
"If I could've stabbed John Cougar, I could have prevented John Mellencamp from ever being born." --Sprogway
"You're killing your Steve!" --Doug
Thursday, May 12, 2005
"You want some water to wash down that foot, Mike?" --Jamila
"They have a wood-burning computer down there." --Sprogway
"Do I have a kid I don't know about?" --Sprogway on phone
"It's the bastard child of Mike Azar." --Krehley
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
"You're only as old as we make you feel." --Doug
"If you don't drink, how do you have sex?" --Erich
"This match was made sober?" --Doug
"I don't know about anyone's wang." --Azar
"You give me shit every day. You give me shit in my sleep." --Azar
"I've gone through these phases but I've gotten over them...at home." --Sprogway
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
"If I can see it, I won't touch it."--Doug
Monday, May 09, 2005
"It's like sitting next to Ed Shaughnessy here." --Lee
"Nobody calls it Avenue of the Americas, you fuckin' hick." --Sprogway
"I'm going to warm Ira's heart with some logs." --Sprogway
Friday, May 06, 2005
"I use both my halves." --Azar
1) "Is this your first marriage?" --Erich
2) "
Only marriage." --Azar
"Wouldn't you rather have a normal-sized banana?" --Doug
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
"I convicted the motherfucker and now I'm here." --Lee
"Somebody's getting all Steinbrenner on my ass." --Sprogway
"Fucking Zeligway." --Lee on Sprogway
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
"Please don't look at my wet ass." --Weber
"I'm not dumb. This isn't the first time I drank beer." --Steve
"For some reason, I know that Skittles float in beer. I don't know why I know that." --Steve
1) "You know Mr. Met used to work with the Meat Puppets." --Lee
2) "Yeah, he was Mr. Meat." --Steve
"Penis, penis, penis, penis, penis." --Sprogway
"She doesn't wear feet." --Ira
Monday, May 02, 2005
"I wish I could be a rod." --Sprogway