Tuesday, February 28, 2006


"I'm surprised whenever anyone is not creepy." --Sprogway 


"You don't want to anger a man who might have a belt sander." --Sprogway

Monday, February 27, 2006


1) "You can have human primates?" --Doug

2) "Yeah, they're called my children." --McCann


"I have not been nearly gay enough lately." --Sprogway 

Sunday, February 26, 2006


"I think if you have lazy eye, you should have lazy eyebrow, too." --Sprogway

Friday, February 24, 2006


"She broke up with him, or you killed him?" --Doug 


"Well, I have to live." --Andrew 


1) "He's a prick...he just is, everyone in that business is." --Doug 

2) "I'm not talking about you guys." --Doug


"I can safely say I never showed nude pictures of myself to any of my grandparents." --Sprogway 


 "People pawn their walkers in Vegas." --Sprogway


1) "I like Atlantic City better than Vegas." --Sprogway

2) "That's because you're a scumbag." --Doug  


"Ah, I see now what the A.C. stands for." --Joe 

Thursday, February 23, 2006


""I don't know what was said, but I heard laughter and he pointed at me." --Doug


"I'm a dick." --Joe 


"Too busy on the horse." --Joe 


"Its the 80s, you were allowed to be gay." --Joe 


1) "He's having a belt." --Sporgway

2) "Huh?" --Doug 

3) "He's out having a belt." --Sprogway

4) "What?" --Doug

5) "DRINKING!" --Sprogway


"When she gained the weight, did she gain cuntitude?" --Sprogway 

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


"I seldom seize." --Sprogway

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


"He's intelligence-impaired." --Azar to Vinnie 


"I have a feeling this is going to be the last time I ever see Duane in my life." --Andrew


"Catfish Hunter has never pitched to Kevin Bass." --Doug 

Friday, February 17, 2006


"I'm retooling his Furtado." --Doug


"Elvis McCann." --Sal 


1) "Can anyone here tune a guitar?" --Ira

2) "And can anyone fly a plane?" --Doug

Thursday, February 16, 2006


"His is a Hot Pocket-less life." --Duane 

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


"Oh, I stole this from a government office of some sort." --Sprogway 


"I just ate an apple and now my lips are starting to swell." --Joe 


"If there's one thing a porn star wants to hear it's Mike Azar talking about the weather." --Doug


"I'd love to go hunting with you." --Doug to Sprogway 


"I wasn't being a dick yesterday, I was being a dick on Friday." --Sprogway 

Monday, February 13, 2006


"I'm a lazy sack of shit." --Sal


"I'm going to sound like a real jerk." --McCann


"Whoever is keeping records is full of shit." --Azar 

Friday, February 10, 2006


"I'm not McCann." --Doug 


"I don't think I have the energy to get drunk." --Sprogway


"He should get a job with Josh." --Sprogway on Tantric's Jesse Vest 

Thursday, February 09, 2006


"You remind me of my friend Mike, not that Mike, but that Mike says hi by the way." --Sal 


"Ooh, it feels nice and sexy underneath." --Steve 

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


1) "Today has been a very funny day." --Steve

2) "Yeah, I love us." --Sprogway 


"I creeped myself out with that." --Sprogway 


1) "You're the sexiest creature I've ever met." --Michael Buble

2) "He's never met me." --Sprogway


"She should put a sock puppet on her hand." --Doug 


"He's got jowls like a motherfucker." --Doug 


"I like Burt Bacharch and I like me." --Sprogway 


"They should let the DC Sniper out for this show." --Jamila 


1) "He came in with a gameplan." --Azar

2) "Yeah, set phasers to stun." --Sprogway 

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


1) "You don't eat salmon and you don't eat avocado?" --Lee

2) "I know...how do I live?" --Doug


1) "She eats for free." --Doug 

2) "Did you say she eats for three?" --Sprogway


"Can we get toppings on our pizza, or just cheese?" --Jamila 


"People like sex." --Bill McCleary 


"Were you tempted to put a heat lamp above him and feed him a mouse?" --Doug 


"Is that mayonnaise? I don't fuck with mayonnaise." --Duane 


"It smells like ass pocket in there." --Andrew 

Monday, February 06, 2006


"I'm sorry, I should have plugged my headphones into Azar." --Sprogway 

Friday, February 03, 2006


"I want to make a huge difference in your life, Andrew." --Sprogway


"The joke's always been on me." --Azar 

Thursday, February 02, 2006


"He drives like he needs a seeing eye dog." --Lee on Ira 


"The Walrus was Sal." --Steve 


"Does Doug know my spanking story?" --Sal 

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


1) "Guilty as charged." --McCann

2) "I thought you said Gilbert O'Sullivan." --Sprogway


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