Friday, September 30, 2005
1) "The only thing that was uncomfortable about that..." --Doug
2) "Only one thing?" --Sprogway
1) "Unemployment, here I come." --Doug
2) "But at least you'll be well groomed." --Sprogway
"I've got this patch of sensitive skin that just won't go away." --Azar
"I just like things that glow in the dark." --Duane
Thursday, September 29, 2005
"Yeah, I admire his spunk." --Erich
1) "It's warranteed for five more years." --Correia
2) "Longer than any of us." --Ira
"I used to write letters to magazines when I was younger but I couldn't form a coherent thought." --Erich
"Sometimes I wish I didn't have to come to work, man." --the AC guy
"I have Salitosis." --Steve
"Sharing an office with Ira is like take your mom to school day." --Doug
"Getting away from Sprogway for a day has done me good." --Doug
"Hey, there's a My Little Pony movie." --Sprogway
"Normally, you say, 'Joe, why don't you go get shot?'" --Joe
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
"Who the fuck is Tim Waits ?" --Lee
"Hey Sprague, I think you have a chance with Bernadette Peters now." --Erich
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
1) "I went to Purchase." --Jamila
2) "You did?" --Ira
3) "Look at my resume--don't you read those things?" --Jamila
"You're Judas. Iris." --Sal to Ira
"Paul Hackett's gone and I am back." --McCann
Monday, September 26, 2005
"Am I an asshole?" --Erich
"I said, 'Bill, you sound like a homo.'" --Erich
"So do you want to know what a bitch Bill Pearis is?" --Erich
"Hurricane Stan -- it's like a hurricane with a mustache." --Doug
Friday, September 23, 2005
"Cut out the fucking middle man, which is the work day." --Steve
Thursday, September 22, 2005
"If you're a farmer, it doesn't matter what time it is." --Erich
"I have to do something to stimulate myself." --Sal
"Dripping like dandruff off a homeless guy's head." --Sal
"Kiss my fucking whiteboy ass." --Sal
"I'm gonna put a ballgag in his mouth as soon as he gets in here." --Sprogway on Erich
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
"How can you say no to a broken penis?" --Sprogway
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
"There's TV every fucking day of the year. That's what makes America great." --Lee
1) "Maybe Erich's not too far off here?" --Steve
2) "Bite your tongue." --Sprogway
1) "Do you eat a lot of dairy?" --Doug
2) "What do you consider dairy?" --Erich
"You don't think 'caveman' is shorthand for 'homosexual'?" --Erich
Thursday, September 15, 2005
"I'm giving Heather's leg a home." --McCann
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
"You know, the truth about guns is..." --Lee
"Yeah, he'll make the trains run on time." --Sprogway
"Vinnie of Arabia." --Steve
1) "I've been silent the last couple of weeks." --Azar
2) "Silent but deadly." --Sprogway
"ET, the extra testicle." --Sprogway
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
"He was his mentor--his Glentor." --Sprogway
"That compressor's so far up there I got a better chance of getting my head up someone's asshole." --AC repair guy
"I don't care, it's not my fucking cheese." --Sprogway
Friday, September 09, 2005
"It'd be like 50 Cent walking around saying, 'Oh fuck that Death Cab guy.'" --Sprogway
Thursday, September 08, 2005
"It's bigger because it's longer." --Lee
"Stop saying you don't know, you fucking lying dog." --Lee
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
"And fuck your Metamucil too!" --Weber
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
1) "Man, you are one cold motherfucker." --Sprogway
2) "Lee Jeske invented cold." --Steve
3) "You're a bad person, Lee Jeske." --McCann
"I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but I agree with him." --Erich
"This job has made pornography considerably less attractive." --Sprogway
Friday, September 02, 2005
"I don't even like food you have to chew." --Sprogway
1) "This thing will come in handy around 4 or 5 o'clock." --Steve
2) "You think it'll hold both of us?" --Sprogway
Thursday, September 01, 2005
"Everyone on the 9th floor is borderline retarded." --Erich
"Yeah, it's filling." --Sprogway
"As I told Eric, this is kind of an office in any pocket." --McCann